Wine-growing and oenology Archives - Vitis Planet
Vitis Planet

Réseau International de développement durable en viticulture et oenologie

  • L'actualité

    Dryland-viticulture in the context of climate change: concept, practical bases

    The vine is adapted to warm Mediterranean climates, but extreme and repeated aridity without irrigation can lead to a significant drop in
    Sustainable cellar architecture and design: concept, application and examples.

    The optimisation of energy and the reduction of the impact on the greenhouse effect combine the use of the thermal inertia of the subsoil,
    Winery 2019
    Don’t miss Winery 2019 in Belgium from July 3-5, 2019.

    Learn more about:
    Climate Change Leadership from 5 to 7 march 2019 in Porto

    Solutions For The Wine Industry Conference

    Wine is one of the only branded agricultural activities that exists in the world. The industry strongly